ERP - Ping

API needs to be exposed by ERP to allow eInvoicing to verify during registration of the system notifications that API is accessible from the eInvoicing solution.

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eInvoicing system supports calling back to ERP system. To do that, ERP system must be registered to receive the callbacks and must be callable from eInvoicing. This API is a test API that gets called to verify connectivity, check the credentials provided by taxpayer to eInvoicing to call it.


The signature to be supported by the ERP system to be able to receive ping call is:

PUT /ping (this relative path is attached to base URL shared by customer when registering system to receive notifications)


This API should accept these headers supplied by eInvoicing:

Header parameter Type Description Value example
Accept-Language String Will contain ar or en based on the notification preferences of the taxpayer ar
Content type String Defines the type of the message. JSON based content. application/json
Authorization String Pre-shared key registered by taxpayer when registering system callback is used so that ERP can authenticate eInvoicing ApiKey <Key value>

Body of the request contains a single object that contains these fields:

Input parameter Type Description Value example
rin String Taxpayer registration number is shared back to ensure Ping API implementation can verify that it is being configured for the correct taxpayer 943832043


On a successful call, verification of authorization header and taxpayer registration number supplied, ERP API must return 200 status code and a single return value that should be the same RIN number passed in as input parameter.

Output parameter Type Description Value example
rin String Taxpayer registration number is shared back to eInvoicing to ensure Ping API implementation verified the number and considers it correct 943832043

4xx or 5xx codes are returned if there are configuration errors.

Additional considerations

This API is called by eInvoicing only over protected HTTPS channel.