Get Code Details by Item Code

API responsible for getting published code details.

Search Published Codes Update EGS Code Usage


Get Code Details by Item Code API is responsible for retrieving the details for the published code.


API is REST based API that receives the code type and item code through the URL parameter.

Signature: GET /api/v1.0/codetypes/:codeType/codes/:itemCode


This API accepts standard eInvoicing API header parameters for authenticated call.

Body of the request does not contains any field.

Path Paramerters

Input parameter Type Description Value example
codeType String This codeType refer to the code type catalog that we need to search in, this could be either GS1 or EGS catalogs EGS
itemCode String Code that was registered by the taxpayer EG-113317713-1234


Successful Response

API returns HTTP status code 200.

Response of will contains an object with all details of selected published code:

Input parameter Type Description Value example
codeID Numeric Internal code ID in the solution 942982
codeName String Code name in english that was provided by the taxpayer Water bottle
codeNameAr String Code name in Arabic that was provided by the taxpayer زجاجة ماء
description String Code description in english that was provided by the taxpayer Water bottle
descriptionAr String Code desciprtion in Arabic that was provided by the taxpayer زجاجة ماء
activeFrom Date refer to the code start validity date 2021-02-02T00:12:43.00Z
activeTo Date refer to the code end of validaity date 2021-06-02T00:12:43.00Z
ParentCodeLookupValue String Refer to the parent code that was provided by the taxpayer, Level4 code 10001400
codeTypeID Numeric Refer to code type ID either GS1 or EGS 2
CodeTypeLevelID Numeric Refer to code type level ID 8
codeTypeLevelNamePrimaryLang String Refer to code level name in English Soft Drinks
codeTypeLevelNameSecondaryLang String Refer to code level name in Arabic لمشروبات الغازية
parentItemCode String Code of item parent 10005854
ParentCodeID Numeric Refer to the parent code internal ID 5942
parentCodeName String Refer to parent code name in English Bread/Bakery Products Variety Packs
parentCodeNameAr String Refer to parent code name in Arabic منتجات متنوعة من منتجات الخبز / المخبز
parentLevelName String refer to the parent level name from the catalog Gypsywortplants (Lycopus Europaeus)
parentActiveFrom Date refer to the parent of the code start validity date 2021-02-02T00:12:43.00Z
parentActiveTo Date refer to the parent of the code end of validaity date 2021-06-02T00:12:43.00Z
parentDescription String Parent code description in english Water bottle
parentDescriptionAr String Parent Code desciprtion in Arabic زجاجة ماء
parentActive Boolean refer to the parent of the code status in the system true
active Boolean refer to the code status in the system true

Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

Additional considerations

No additional considerations.