Search Published Codes

API allow taxpayers to search EGS and GS1 published codes in the solution.

Request Code Reuse Get Code Details by Item Code


Search Published Codes API is responsible for retrieving list of codes that are published in the solution, filtration criteria is also implemented in this API.


API is REST based API that receives the code types through the URL parameter.

Signature: GET api/v1.0/codetypes/:codeType/codes


This API accepts standard eInvoicing API header parameters for authenticated call.

Body of the request does not contains any field.

Path Paramerters

Input parameter Type Description Value example
codeType String This codeType refer to the code type catalog that we need to search in, this could be either GS1 or EGS catalogs GS1

Query Parameters

Optional query strings parameters accepted:

Input parameter Type Description Value example
CodeLookupValue String Refer to the code that was provided by the taxpayer 0053722699847
ParentCodeLookupValue String Refer to the parent code that was provided by the taxpayer, Level4 code 10001400
CodeID Numeric Refer to the internal code ID 911647
CodeName String Refer to code name in the solution Water bottle
CodeDescription String Refer to code description in the solution water bottle with blue cover
TaxpayerRIN String Refer to the taxpayer ID tht was create the code in the solution 674859545
ParentCodeID Numeric Refer to the parent code internal ID 5942
ParentLevelName String Refer to code’s parent level name Soft Drinks
OnlyActive Boolean Refer to the code status in the system true
ActiveFrom Date Refer to the code active from Date in UTC format 2021-02-02T00:12:43.00Z
ActiveTo Date Refer to the code active to Date in UTC format 2021-02-02T00:12:43.00Z
Ps String Refer to page size 10
Pn String Refer to page number 1
CodeTypeLevelNumber Numeric Refer to code type level number 5


Successful Response

API returns HTTP status code 200.

Response of will contains array of object with all codes published:

Input parameter Type Description Value example
codeID Numeric Internal code ID in the solution 942982
CodeLookupValue String Refer to the code that was provided by the taxpayer, Level5 code 1000140078906
codeNamePrimaryLang String Code name in english that was provided by the taxpayer Water bottle
codeNameSecondaryLang String Code name in Arabic that was provided by the taxpayer زجاجة ماء
codeDescriptionPrimaryLang String Code description in english that was provided by the taxpayer Water bottle
codeDescriptionSecondaryLang String Code desciprtion in Arabic that was provided by the taxpayer زجاجة ماء
activeFrom Date refer to the code start validity date 2021-02-02T00:12:43.00Z
activeTo Date refer to the code end of validaity date 2021-06-02T00:12:43.00Z
parentCodeID Numeric refer to the internal parent code 938038
ParentCodeLookupValue String Refer to the parent code that was provided by the taxpayer, Level4 code 10001400
codeTypeID Numeric Refer to code type ID either GS1 or EGS 2
CodeTypeLevelID Numeric Refer to code type level ID 8
codeTypeLevelNamePrimaryLang String Refer to code level name in English GPC Level 5 Code - GTIN
codeTypeLevelNameSecondaryLang String Refer to code level name in Arabic GPC Level 5 Code - GTIN
parentCodeNamePrimaryLang String Refer to parent code name in English Bread/Bakery Products Variety Packs
parentCodeNameSecondaryLang String Refer to parent code name in Arabic منتجات متنوعة من منتجات الخبز / المخبز
parentLevelName String refer to the parent level name from the catalog GPC Level 4 Code - Brick
codeTypeNamePrimaryLang String Refer to code type name in English Bread/Bakery Products Variety Packs
active Boolean refer to the code status in the system true
linkedCode String refer to the linked code 19851400

Additional considerations

No additional considerations.