Update EGS Code Usage

API responsible for Updating EGS Code Usage

Get Code Details by Item Code Update Code

# Overview

Update EGS Code Usage API is a way for taxpayer to Update his previous code usage requests as long they are under ‘Submitted’ state

# Signature

API is REST based API that receives the code Usage Request Id through the URL parameter and payload to be changed in request body.

Signature: PUT /api/v1.0/codetypes/requests/codes/:codeUsageRequestId

# Inputs

This API accepts standard eInvoicing API header parameters for authenticated call.

URL parameter Type Description Value example
codeUsageRequestId Numeric Internal ID of the code usage request submitted 55869

Body of the request contains a single object that contains these fields:

Input parameter Type Description Value example
itemCode String Code that was registered by the taxpayer EG-113317713-1234
codeName String Code name in English water bottle
codeNameAr String Code name in Arabic قارورة مياه
activeFrom Date Refer to the code start validity date in UTC 2021-03-21T00:00:00Z
activeTo Date Refer to the code end of validaity date in UTC (Optional) 2021-05-21T23:59:00Z
description String Code description that was provided by the taxpayer In English (Optional) Water bottle, 600 mg, plastic bottle
descriptionAr String Code description that was provided by the taxpayer In Arabic (Optional) قاروره مياه يلاستيكية
parentCode String The parent of the code, represents level 4 GPC code 10005668
requestReason String Textual reason why the code is requested (Optional) New product line item
linkedCode String EGS Related Code (Optional) EG-674859545-9875

# Outputs

# Successful Response

On a successful submission API returns 200 status code.

# Error Response

Error situations are reported back by this API through the standard error response.

Additional specialized error messages can be returned as a result of validation of state of the document and caller:

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
400 Bad request Returned when user is trying to update registration of non existing code registration
404 Not Fount Returned when parent code ID is not found.

# Additional considerations

No additional considerations.